CPU, that's frequently called just "processor", is an abbreviation for Central Processing Unit. That's the core of every PC or web server, since it executes all the calculations and logical input/output procedures. Although the performance of a website or an application is determined by other things also, such as the amount of physical memory or the connectivity of the web server, the speed at which a specific processor runs determines how fast a program will be executed. Later-generation processors have multiple cores that can considerably boost their overall power and efficiency, because each core can control a number of processes separately or a number of cores can deal with one process that needs a substantial processing power. As each core functions at a certain speed, this architecture can be looked at as a number of individual processors working together.

CPU Share in VPS Servers

If you decide to host your websites on a VPS server from our company, it will be possible to select between a wide variety of packages that offer different resources, including the CPU share that'll be allotted to the new account. Thus, you can pick a package which will be appropriate for your websites with regards to both the resources and the monthly fee that you will pay for them. We use very powerful physical servers with multi-core processors working at 3.0+ GHz, so the CPU quota that you will get shall be guaranteed at all times, considering the fact that we create just a few virtual servers on the physical machines. This provides you with the chance to upgrade your package deal in the future as much as you require, without worrying that there won't be enough resources on the web server. Such an upgrade shall take no more than two clicks from your billing CP.

CPU Share in Dedicated Servers

Our dedicated server packages have a variety of hardware configurations, thus, based upon what you need the server for and on your budget, you can find the right one for you. In addition to the different RAM and disk space allocations, every single plan features different CPU shares as well. The CPUs which we offer you have 2-12 cores, so you'll be able to select the plan that'll match your requirements best. With the most powerful plan, each and every program you run on the server will run remarkably fast regardless of what resources it needs and irrespective of how many people are using it concurrently, but even the lower-end plans are good enough for most sorts of websites. The functionality of the CPUs is evaluated along with all the other hardware elements, as a way to guarantee that the server that we'll hand over to you will work faultlessly and at maximum capacity all of the time.