If you have checked out lots of websites, you have probably stumbled upon some error message every now and then. An error can take place if the website hosting server cannot process a request (Error 400), if you have to log in in order to see some content and you haven't done so (Error 401), if you aren't allowed to access a page (Error 403) or if a link leads to a file which is not on the website hosting server (Error 404). Encountering such messages may sometimes be frustrating because the pages have absolutely nothing in common with the actual website. That’s why some hosting companies permit you to set your own error pages that will match the layout of your own site and which may have any content that you'd like - details why the error has taken place, a suggestion how to proceed or even some funny remark. This sort of function shall help you keep the visitor on the website whatever the error and the reason for it.

Custom Error Pages in Hosting

You can set up personalized error pages for each of your domains or subdomains. The function is supported by all hosting plans which we provide, so as soon as you log in to the Hepsia CP and check out the Hosted Domains section, you may click on the Edit button for a domain/subdomain and in the pop-up that will be displayed, you can select the type of error page which should appear - a default one from our system, a standard Apache web server page or a customized one. For the aforementioned option, you'll have to assign the URL to the page, so when you use custom made pages, you should upload the files in your hosting account first. Another way is to use an .htaccess file located in the domain or subdomain folder with a line for each error type. The correct syntax can be found in our Knowledge Base, to help you use this function even if you don't have any previous experience.

Custom Error Pages in Semi-dedicated Servers

All our Linux semi-dedicated servers support custom made error pages, so you will be able to employ this feature for each domain or subdomain hosted inside your account. All it takes to do that is to check out the Hosted Domains section of the Hepsia Control Panel, to click on the Edit button related to the given domain/subdomain and to enter the link to the custom file. You are able to do this individually for each and every error type. You will be able to switch back to a standard error page at any time if required and the change shall take effect at once. Another way to achieve the same exact result is to set an .htaccess file inside the domain or subdomain folder related to the site that you'd like to change and to enter a couple of lines of program code inside it. If you would like to try this method, you could copy and paste the necessary code from our Knowledge Base article on custom error pages, hence you won't need any coding skills or previous experience.